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Learn About Our Future Developments

If a build doesn’t improve the community, we don’t break ground—period. Our mission is: think like a homeowner first, plan like an investor second.

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Stylish building
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Learn About Our Past Developments

It’s easy to assume everything is about dollars and cents in the residential building industry, but our founders know that where people live has the biggest impact on the community as a whole.

Even if you don’t live in one of our developments, you’ll feel their impact. Our residents seek out builds that execute a unique creative vision, tired of the way most builders work within cookie-cutter convention.

We got our start making our mark on Brooklyn, and if you look at any of those developments, you’ll see the new spark we brought to each and every building. We had one simple thought—why can’t we bring this unique vision elsewhere?

Learn About Our Past Developments
The build project thinker is talking to an old community member
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Builders Guided By Feedback

Why wouldn’t our builds be a collaboration with the people who live in the area? That’s our philosophy. In fact, we don’t even start a build until it meets the needs of the community.

This is more than a good intention—we direct our architects to develop plans based on what would enhance the local community, as well as provide incredible out-of-the-box living spaces for residents.

Is a new build of ours coming to your city? We’d love to hear from you.

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kids, teens in a circle on the the ground talking
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Giving Back Goes Beyond Housing

Our builders believe community improvement begins with children—specifically, their education. We’re passionate about supporting causes that empower children to take an active role in the direction of their curriculum.

Using curiosity as their guide, self-direction leads to greater self-esteem.Mainstream education doesn’t meet the needs of kids today with fixed curriculums. While that’s unfortunate, what’s wonderful is that we don’t have to wait around for changes to happen.

We find it extremely fulfilling to help children embrace their innate wisdom, which stretches beyond their years.

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Sinay Brothers
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Meet The Sinay Brothers

Every successful duo is made up of a dreamer and a doer—vision meets execution—and while both co-founders of Welcome Developments take on those roles interchangeably, Shlomo is more the dreamer and David is more the doer.

More specifically, Shlomo designs the interior and exterior spaces while David handles acquiring and managing new properties. Expanded corridors and unique first impressions meet sound investment opportunities and timely project completion.

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diverse team putting hands together
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Our Diverse Team Supports Us

An offsite network of various high-caliber professionals in the building development community supports each of our portfolio additions. Our architects don’t even draft plans until they know what the community wants. The strength of our business now has depended on finding the just-right people for each role along the way.